Although the economy is improving, times are still tough for plenty of folks across the country. One of the best ways to get some money when you’re in a pinch is to sell off some of the things you don’t use or want anymore. Holding a garage sale or selling some of your unwanted items to a pawn shop are two easy ways to get fast cash, but you usually can’t get too much money for those small goods. The best way to get money quick is by bringing your vehicle to us to get quick cash for cars in Miramar, FL. Here’s what you need to know about what happens after we buy your car from you.
We complete the paperwork
Selling your vehicle to Junkyard Dog is as easy as possible. We literally just give you cash for your unwanted car. However, after we give you cash, there’s still some paperwork that needs to be completed. The DMV and your insurance provider both need to know that we have possession of the car. This paperwork can take a while to complete if you’re unsure of what you’re doing. That’s why we take care of it for you. We have years of experience buying cars, and thus filling out all of the required paperwork. In order to make the process as easy as possible, we ask that our customers bring their vehicle’s title and registration when they come sell their car.
We determine what to do with it
After we pay you a big bundle of cash for your old car, truck or SUV, we have to inspect the vehicle to see what we could do with it. There are usually three possible routes we could take with your vehicle. We can sell cars for parts, sell them for scrap metal or tune them up and resell them:
- We sell it for scrap metal: Most of the time the vehicles that come to our lot don’t run. That’s why we offer a complementary towing service to our lot. Our tow truck can pick your car up from your home or wherever it happened to break down. We have locations in Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale to best serve all of the customers in our service area.
- We sell it for parts: Sometimes cars don’t run, but they still have a few parts that folks might be willing to buy. If you’re restoring a vehicle, feel free to browse our expansive selection of parts after you’ve sold us your car.
- We resell it: On the off chance that your vehicle is still in fairly good condition, we’re happy to try to resell it to someone looking for an affordable vehicle. We’re fully licensed to sell scrap metal, parts and whole vehicles.
It’s more popular than ever for people to bring us their unwanted vehicles to get cash for cars in Miramar, FL. Bring your vehicle to Junkyard Dog or give us a call for vehicle pickup and get the most money possible for your unwanted car, truck or SUV!