Worried a junk car buyer will try to rip you off? We offer some valuable tips to get a fair cash price for your unwanted vehicle. If you are sitting there deciding which junk car removal company in Florida is best suited for you is easy, just call Junkyard Dog.
Junkyard Dog Specializes In Junk Car Removal
If you’re looking for a way to sell your old car and make a little bit of spare cash, you may be daunted by the sheer number of options available that you can use to junk your vehicle. Regardless of the age of your car or its condition, there are a number of choices available that you can use to turn your junk car into a substantive sum of money.
Ultimately, you’ll want to get rid of your car in a way that is exceptionally easy and also reaps you the best possible payout.
Call Multiple Junk Car Buyer Near You
The first thing that you should do before making any arrangements to dispose of your junk car is to call around and receive several different quotes. Depending on the company that you choose to work with, some companies may provide a slightly lower offer in exchange for free junk car removal.
Have the junk buyer confirm the cash offer via text message to ensure the junk car buyer pays you the amount you were originally quoted. If they try to bait and switch by offering you less for the car when they show up, tell them no thank you and ask them to leave. Do not let them bully you into selling them your vehicle.
Double Check All Of The Cash Offers
After receiving cash offers for your vehicle from a junkyard, do a bit of research to make sure that the amount is fair. While it’s unlikely that you’ll receive a better offer for a junk car that needs to be recycled, it’s always worth the effort to take a little time and make sure that you’re making the most of your opportunity.
If one car buyer offers you $500, another $650 and the third one quotes you $700, it’s up to you to decide which one to go with. Take sure to ask if free towing is included, if not, find out what the fee is to sell your car.
Parting A Car Versus Selling Junk Car For Cash
When selling off a junk car, always consider the amount of time that you’re investing into getting rid of it. While you may make a bit more money selling off certain pieces individually, it’s always better to go with the easiest solution.
The amount of time you’ll spend removing parts to sell them may not be worth the time. It can also take several weeks to even months to sell them. If you need cash quickly, your best option is to sell the entire car to a junk buyer.
Junkyard Dog – The Best Junk Car Buyer
For more than a decade, we’ve been providing cash for junk cars. You can count on us to provide you with fair rates and an effortless car removal process, if you’re unable to drive your car to our site.
We offer vehicle pickup in and around the greater Fort Lauderdale area. To learn more about the ways that we can help you convert your old junk car into valuable cash, reach out to one of our friendly professionals today.